
The Newtown legacy one year after Sandy Hook


Tomorrow marks the one-year anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, in which 20 children and six adults were shot and killed. 

The city of Newtown, Connecticut has asked to be left alone for the anniversary so that its citizens can grieve and process in their own way, without the presence of the press. 

But in the weeks leading up to the anniversary, some of the townspeople and even some of the family members of the victims have come forward suggesting ways that those of us  not immediately connected to Sandy Hook, but nonetheless touched by the tragedy, can honor the day.

On Monday, families of the Sandy Hook victims held a press conference during which they announced the launch of My Sandy Hook Family, a website that gives information and updates about the families who are still grieving the loss of their loved ones. They also suggested that the rest of us mark tomorrow's anniversary with "acts of kindness."

The nonprofit organization Sandy Hook Promise launched the "Parent together" initiative in anticipation of the anniversary, "a national grassroots campaign to educate and empower parents to prevent gun violence in their communities."

Some news outlets have taken a more contemplative approach to the anniversary. The New York Times released this long piece profiling different people and the various relationships we have with guns in the country. NPR had a piece that explores the continued lack of explanation for the massacre, despite the investigation and lengthy report filed by the prosecutor.  

For most of us, tomorrow will be just another day. But we can honor the victims of Sandy Hook by being kind to one another and by working in our communities, our cities, our nation, and our world for peace and compassion to rule the day. And we can lift up prayers for all those who mourn.

That would be a legacy to truly honor the fallen and their families.

Image: By claudiasimsphotography CC via Flickr

About the author

Kira Dault

Kira Dault is a former associate editor at U.S. Catholic.