Health care with heart

Watch out for heat stroke this summer, as temperatures rise in the health care debate. The current reform efforts might make your head spin, but U.S. Catholic has the antidote to the ear aches and laryngitis caused by too much yelling: our special section, Health care with heart. Health care, the Catholic Church says, is a universal human right from conception to natural death, but what does this mean? What do we as Catholics have to contribute to the conversation? Browse our special section on health care to keep up with the latest news and opinions on health care reform from a Catholic perspective, read past health care coverage from U.S. Catholic, and share your opinion as well.

From the magazine:

It’s time to take our medicine: An interview with Sister Carol Keehan, D.C. of the Catholic Health Association

See: Also: Five Questions with Sister Carol Keehan, D.C.

A Catholic’s Good Samaritan Plan

With liberty and health care for all

Our health care system needs a heart transplant


From our blogs:

US bishops GOP hacks on health care?

Death panels versus hospice

Will abortion torpedo Catholic support for health care reform?

Oh Canada!

Health care debate reaches half life



Share your opinion on the current health care reform debates


In the news:

Bishops urge united Catholic voice on health reform

Bishops’ annual Labor Day statement focuses on health reform debate

Cardinal criticizes abortion provisions in House health reform bill

Diverse faith coalition begins 40 days for health care reform effort

Health care reform runs aground on abortion politics

What message should Catholics send Congress on health care reform

Health care must be universal says bishop in letter to Congress

Catholic voters’ views on health care reflect national attitude


Outside sources:

The U.S. bishops’ conference website on health care reform

Catholic Charities’ page on health care reform

Catholic Health Association’s Vision for Health Care

PolitiFacts’ “what’s in the bills”