Daily Links, Jan. 26: Workers, numbers, and phone chargers

In labor news today, the Indiana House of Representatives passed its “right to work” bill that would bar unions from charging nonmembers for representation. And, Apple has recently come forward about some rotten labor practices at their factories in Asia.

The Public Religion Research Institute has some numbers up in light of Tuesday night’s State of the Union address. 48% of Americans say that the American Dream once held true, but does not hold true anymore. In a touching moment before the speech began, the president embraced Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.). Says Debra Dean Murphy at the Christian Century: Let’s not politicize this woman.

Bishop Joseph McFadden of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania has turned some heads by saying that the PA school system models the ideals of Hitler. Scott Alessi says that  that this might not have been the wisest choice of words.

From the land of good ideas: A way to get unemployed people experiencing homelessness some work, a clean way to power cell phones in Africa, and including empowerment as a rebuilding tool after the Haiti earthquakes.

Alaska Airlines will no longer distribute prayer cards on its flights.

And, have no fear, the new Minnesota Vikings stadium will not be going right next to the Basilica of St. Mary!

Need a little vacation from your work day? Take a virtual trip to Yosemite National Park and watch this awesome time-lapse video.

Happy Thursday!