Daily Links, Jan. 19: Candidates out, pipelines denied, more schools to close


It’s official: Rick Perry has dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Newt Gingrich (who, according to Anthony Stevens-Arroyo, followed Catholic social teaching in questions Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital). Meanwhile, Rick Santorum appears to have actually beaten out Romney in Iowa.

President Obama yesterday denied a permit for construction of the Keystone Pipeline, receiving praise from many faith groups who protested the Pipeline for months.

On the heels of the Philadelphia school closures, more schools are set to close in Duluth, MN.

I’m hoping the day is drawing near where I won’t feel compelled to mention Tim Tebow in the Daily Links, but in light of Tebow-mania, Jim Akin discusses the church’s official prayer for athletes.

In our January issue we featured an interview with Phyllis Zagano on women deacons. Today, Dr. Zagano responds to some of the many comments we’ve received on the website. Join in the conversation!

Also on our blog today, Bryan Cones discusses the differences in abortion rates between developed and developing nations, while Meghan Murphy-Gill calls for some originality in the recent “Jesus versus religion” wave sweeping the internet.

About the author

Elizabeth Lefebvre

Elizabeth Lefebvre is a writer living in Chicago.