Daily Links, Oct.6: Steve Jobs, no jobs, and Cheez-Its


Reflections abound today on the passing of Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple. Though he will certainly be remembered for his contributions to technology, others examine his spiritual side and his grasp of the human condition. (And others use his products to protest his funeral.)

In other sad news, Fred Shuttlesworth, a pioneer of the civil rights movement, passed away yesterday as well. (Let’s hope in the future, our children will learn about him in school!)

We’ve been known to think this at U.S. Catholic: that social justice = Jesus stuff (which makes it too bad to hear about stories like this one, of corruption in a NYC agency that builds affordable housing). As Occupy Wall Street continues, Barbara Ehrenreich at the Washington Post examines the validity of claims that the wealthy are being demonized.

E.J. Dionne analyzes the importance of this past week for the 2012 presidential election. He notes that important to the race will be the ideologies of candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Perry.

And, an interesting use of these Cheez-Its. I guess “Real Cheese Matters,” especially when being used to form an image of Jesus.

About the author

Elizabeth Lefebvre

Elizabeth Lefebvre is a writer living in Chicago.