Our new commenting system

You may have noticed that things look a little different in the comments section. We recently switched commenting modules to allow our readers to use their various social media identities to comment on our site.

One difference you’ll notice is that you can no longer really comment anonymously. While you don’t have to register with Disqus (our commenting module), you will have to use your Google, Twitter, Facebook, or Yahoo ID if you decide not to. Or, if you have a personal site or blog, you can comment using an Open ID.

We’ve noticed that there’s been some frustration with the slew of Anonymous comments. It certainly makes it difficult to respond to one comment when several Anons have added their two cents to the same article, blog post, or news story. Hopefully this new system helps.

Because we find all the conversation that has already taken place here valuable, we chose to keep all the comments from the old system, so you can still read conversations. The only hassle is that you won’t be able to directly respond to those old comments using this new module. In exchange, however, you’ll now be able to get a preview of new comments in the right sidebar.

We realize that this is a change, which isn’t alwayseasy especially if you’re a regular USCatholic.org visitor and commenter. So please let us know what you like and what you don’t like by commenting here or by emailing onlineeditor@uscatholic.org.