Shout out to Stephen Hawking

I pretty much read anything that mentions, quotes, or is written by Stephen Hawking, the great popularizer of physics. I have to thank him, too, for helping me expand my appreciation of the universe and the God who made and is making it still. I doubt Hawking is a believer in the traditional sense, but I have a feeling he may be a mystic of another sort. Take this from a recent piece on time travel: "Although I cannot move and I have to speak through a computer, in my mind I am free. Free to explore the universe and ask the big questions, such as: is time travel possible? Can we open a portal to the past or find a shortcut to the future? Can we ultimately use the laws of nature to become masters of time itself?"

Questions worthy of any mystic.

About the author

Bryan Cones

Bryan Cones is a writer living in Chicago.