The war in Iraq “covered”

The Utne reader put together this great slide show of magazine covers dedicated to the Iraq war. These covers are compelling and do a good job depicting the suffering on the ground caused by the war. I showed the slide show to Megan this morning and asked whether or not we'd dedicated a cover to the war.

She showed me this feature from March 2008, the month of the 5-year anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. The article is a collection of short interviews conducted and written by the editors of U.S. Catholic and one writer interviewed people who were experiencing the war in different, though very immediate ways. The subjects include three few soldiers, an army chaplain, an Iraqi refugee, a peace activist, and mother whose son was killed in Iraq. Though they share a common faith, their experience of its place in their experience of the war varies.

It's a thought-provoking piece that I'm happy to have discovered because it puts human faces on what has unfortunately become something too removed from my day-to-day life.